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Friday, June 4, 2010

Attention all people that can or can not drive need to listen to this important notice about pollution. We all know about the spill in the golf of Mexico how much trouble BP is in and how America's beaches are drenched in oil but there is a side very few people looked in. It's the animals side everyone has seen the side where it's affecting the travel destinations but only one TV station(that I have seen) showed a glimpse of the marine life how it's suffering. The truth is that lots of lives are been lost as the oil spill spreads. But that not why I got your attention the reason is I want you to compare this to pollution the things we do every day like drive your kid or if you are sixteen you and your friends go to the mall and the most pollution is idling. When you idle you are using more gas than when you move for how much time you spend idling so I want you to know these simple things to save on pollution.
  1. carpool
  2. reduce idling
  3. take the bus once in a while
  4. walk more
  5. use row boats when on water
  6. or use low gas boats

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