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Thursday, May 6, 2010

I went to the pioneer times and I asked this lady where can I get a CD player and she said,'' I don't noknow what you are talking about there is no such thing as a CD player if now you are looking for a recorder I have just the thing but it not cheep it's $4.96''. I said that's to little I though you guys had a CD player so I brought $ 35.6 so here you I gave her the money and she gave me a big machine with a giant disc ''I hope you like it it's the best one in town it has the newest gadgets and gismoes whatever they are this man said it's the most expense I hope you come back'' the lady said. So I went to this hotel and stayed I tried my new recorder I tried to make it work with my music but it didn't work when I tried the CD that the woman gave me and it worked. But it was classical music and I just can't stand classical music so I returned the recorder and went back to regular times and listened to the music I like.

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