welcome to m.j. pinker come and learn about olden times and the enviroment post a comment anytime


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Once upon a time there lived me, Tulsa the old stinky girl. Now you know why I was stinky when I fell into the pioneer times I fell into a pile of pig poo. I said yuck disgusting in the name of bacon what is this a man went up to me and said,''why oh why did someone fell right into my prize permanent pig poo. I was going to use the pig poo to win the yearly catch contest now I'm ruined bahh''. Oh great now I'm going to be stinky forever! At that moment I saw what the man was talking about there were many pigs and a couple of men. The men were given instructions like as soon as they get there they would be put in pen for five minutes who ever gets the most pigs gets to keep one pig. The men were playing the game then the game was over a guy won a runt then I went home. THE END

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