welcome to m.j. pinker come and learn about olden times and the enviroment post a comment anytime


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

''Mom I don't like my dress it's so tight''! said Clarela ''well when we get out of here we will change our wardrobe'' said mom. But I just sat there staring into space I was missing my friends and my family. My mom,Clarela and I fell into the famous river of oldness people thought that we went away and hid somewhere secret away from our family but I will never ever leave without leaving a letter and a picture. We fell into the pioneer times and we were put in different clothing and we had different designs and colors they were all tight at the stomach. ''Kids listen up today we are going to go and search for the river of the future'' said mom I didn't care all I want to do is put on some regular clothes and chat with my friends. That morning we found the river of the future and went home we were put right in the same way as before like nothing happened but we were the only ones that know what happened ( that's the secret of the river) well chow for now.

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